Since 2017 the following Queensland Government departments and agencies, and interstate departments have completed a range of our 'Craft of Advising Government' courses:
Department of the Premier and Cabinet *
Queensland Treasury (various divisions)
Department of Health (various divisions)
Health and Wellbeing Queensland
Department of Education
Department of Housing and Public Works
Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers
Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation
Department of Youth Justice and Victim Support
Department of Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism
Department of Justice
Queensland Police Service
Public Safety Business Agency
* Including the Policy Futures Graduate Program 2018 - 2021
Other Jurisdictions
Department of Sport, Racing and Olympic and Paralympic Games
Department of Trade, Employment and Training
Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety
Queensland Corrective Services
Queensland Public Service Commission
Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
Department of Primary Industries
Australian Government, NSW Government and Victorian
Government departments